8 October 2024

Kick-off Meeting

This week we started our project InstaFlex, with a productive kickoff meeting on a nice sunny day in Bruges! In this project, we combine the expertise of the Koninklijk Meteorologisch Instituut (KMI), Universiteit Antwerpen, Oktow and project leader PropheSea to improve net stability through flexibility of industrial assets, including renewable energy production. The project is funded by FOD Economie / SPF Economie / FPS Economy through the Energy Transition Funds.

For more info: LinkedIn post Kick-Off

1 October 2024

Energy Transition Fund (ETF) Day 

Yesterday the InstaFlex project kicked off. At the annual conference of the Energy Transition Fund (ETF), we were introduced to the 12 other new projects and through interesting panel discussions and pitches, we also saw a lot of ongoing projects pass by Ostend Science Park. 

Over the next three years, we are strengthening our knowledge of energy flexibility and market dynamics. With this, we want to be able to advise our clients even better to make sustainable choices that are financially and technically underpinned. Here, we analyze both local optimization (within the site) and system optimization to support the transmission grid, among other things, through demand flexibility. 

For more info: LinkedIn post ETF-day