Project Description
InStaFlex explores the exploitation of deferrable loads in industries for transmission system flexibility through demand side management. We focus on optimizing actions across non-local sites, considering a diverse portfolio of industrial deferrable loads and distributed energy resources. Moreover, we investigate how to incentivize end-users, considering trade-offs and user management; and develop and exploit tools to (i) quantify the value of flexible assets (aiding end-users with negotiations with demand aggregators) and (ii) offer recommendations to policymakers.
Our Mission
Our mission is to take Belgium's energy grid to the next level by laying the foundation for the transition to renewable energy sources. We envision a future where a big part of our electricity comes from renewable energy sources, including wind and solar. However, these energy sources have one major drawback, their variability. The sun only shines during daytime, and windspeeds can vary a lot over time. This is where INSTAFLEX can make a difference. By closely partnering with industrial partners, we aim to provide flexibility by delaying non-core industrial processes when electricity demand exceeds supply. This increases net stability and lowers the future extra capacity requirements by lowering peaks in demand. In short, we are commited to support Belgium's energy market during its transition to a more sustainable future by unlocking industrial demand-side flexibility.